insists upon an ongoing commitment from all employees
to a high standard of safety and health, expecting all
its contractors to follow the same high standards. Moreover,
LEYAL's commitment to the environment is paramount and
is demonstrated daily by the Company's ship dismantling
and recycling practices.
To ensure proper planning for the treatment of hazardous
materials on board a vessel, LEYAL employs a well-trained
team of experts that inspects the vessels prior to the
commencement of any dismantling operation. The role
of this first team is to identify, mark and organize
the removal of hazardous materials present on board
the vessel. A pre-demolition cleaning team is then utilized
whose role is to contain and remove hazardous materials
from onboard the vessels. Depending on the nature of
the waste, it is either immediately disposed of through
the use of nationally certified disposal companies,
or it is temporarily stored in dedicated storage areas,
to be delivered to certified disposal firms at a later
date. All the waste management related operations are
coordinated from LEYAL's newly erected Environment Management
Center (EMC), and controlled by the regional office of the Ministry
of Environment, both at the recycling facility level, the transporting
company, and the disposal company level.
Since early 2000 Turkey has made significant steps towards harmonizing its
legislation with relevant EC Directives towards Turkey's preparations for EU membership.
More specifically, and in relation to waste management, all the requirements and provisions
of the Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste (OJ L 377 31.12.1991)
have been introduced into the Turkish national legislation related to hazardous waste management (BLHWC),
except the provision related to reporting to the Commission (Art. 8 of Directive).
Moreover, the full list of hazardous waste and the concentration limits laid down in 2000/532/EC have
been adopted by the By-laws of Hazardous Waste Control (BLHWC), as per Annex VI and VII, including mirror entries.
The most recent major revision of the Turkish regulation on Waste Management entered into force in Turkey on April 2, 2015. This
regulation has been prepared based on European legal texts (e.g. Directive No. 2008/98/EC) aiming at the synchronization of the Turkish law with the EU acquis.
This regulation has abrogated three previously enacted regulations on (i) management of solid
wastes, (ii) management of hazardous wastes and (iii) general principles of waste management in
the field of waste management, and unified them in a single legal framework. The progress of the Turkish waste legislation is clearly reflected in the annual European Commission
enlargement progress report which states that "Transposition of the acquis on waste management is already well advanced.
Alignment with the [EC] Waste Framework Directive is high and the Hazardous Waste Directive has been transposed."
LEYAL's sensitivity for safe and environmentally sound ship dismantling
and recycling is not limited to applying current best ractices and complying with applicable national laws, but
is also reflected in the company's integrated QHSE management system specifically for ship recycling
based on the ISO 30000, as well as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards to which the company is certified to since 2006.
Being at the forefront, LEYAL is also participating in the European Union R&D Funding Program for the
development of improved alternative vessel dismantling techniques and procedures, as well as environmentally
sound management procedures for the removal, temporary storage and disposal of hazardous materials.